In this section, it's talking about what the brian is, the sections of the brian, and the way neurons send messages through the brian in order to give us feelings of reward and "pleasure." Other feelings associated with this are motivation, habit and reflex. The brian is altered by drugs, and this can often lead to personality change. The parts of a neuron are the cell body, or soma; the dendrites, or branches; the axon; the axon terminal; and the cell nucleus.
In this section, it goes more into the way drugs affect the brian, the way drugs turn the drug users' brian into a drug addicts' brian, and how large amounts of drugs and alcohol can make the brian, die. This is called overdose. This talks about how the brian has a coping mechanism. Drugs of abuse affect the brain in such a dramatic way that the brain must try to adapt. One way the brain compensates is to reduce the number of dopamine receptors at the synapse. As a result, after the user has "come down", they will need more of the drug next time they want to get high. This response is commonly referred to as "tolerance."
I liked you post because it summarized the information well. It is also aesthetically pleasing. One thing I noticed was that you put "brian" instead of "brain" but that's it. Good job.